Untitled (Women doing laundry in the river, probably Shanghai), from the series Assignment Shanghai: Photographs on the Eve of Revolution
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More Works by Birns, Jack
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Birns, JackUntitled (Foreign women sit on luggage and light cigarettes in front of ship named Diachenko), from the series Assignment Shanghai: Photographs on the Eve of Revolution(1948-1949)
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Birns, JackUntitled (People gathered around a car in front of the Cosmopolitan Restaurant), from the series Assignment Shanghai: Photographs on the Eve of Revolution(1948-1949)
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Birns, JackUntitled (Women doing laundry in the river, probably Shanghai), from the series Assignment Shanghai: Photographs on the Eve of Revolution(1948-1949)
Birns, JackA woman in a fur coat passes a billboard image of Hollywood star Lana Turner, from the series Assignment Shanghai: Photographs on the Eve of Revolution(1948)