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- oil on maple, and silver plated trophies6 objects
- Uncoated, high-polished bronze sculpture, base, pedestal, two framed photographs4 objects
- Two glass vitrines, wood, cardboard, paper, glass funnel, and stamping paint3 objects
- 133 posters with phonetically reproduced text of Howl by Allen Ginsberg, 75 additional posters, and 6 spiral bound photocopied books.1 objects
- 16 found objects relating to the Shroud of Turin1 objects
- Archival pigment prints mounted on wood, wooden crates, pallets1 objects
- Black and white photograph framed under plexiglass, audiotape, and lighting1 objects
- CD ROM, can opener, cardboard and plastic packaging1 objects
- Camera, plaster mold of hands, X-ray transparencies, wood, metal, stucco, and canvas1 objects
- Custom electronics, metal, wire, white LED lights, and found 8mm, super 8mm and 16mm home movies1 objects
- Eighty-five oil and mixed media paintings1 objects
- Electroluminescent wire on 20 vintage purses, ed.481 objects
- Emulsion on etched zince with chrome1 objects
- Exterior: knitted and felted wool Interior: cotton and polyester batting1 objects
- Handset printing (letter set) on cardboard; 54 posters1 objects
- Light bulbs, custom electronics1 objects
- Mixed media installation: silkscreened organza dress, corn and chile pouches, rebozo (shawl), and wicker basket, sand, and silk flowers1 objects
- Mixed media: welded steel frame, vintage silver objects, and steel knives1 objects
- National Geographic magazines, steel1 objects
- Paint on board1 objects