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- photocopy2 objects
- 1/2-inch open-reel videotape, Master1 objects
- Paperback book1 objects
- black-and-white photograph1 objects
- blue ink and typewritten text on photocopy, six pages1 objects
- collage with brown marker, graphite, blue pencil and stamp mark in black ink on verso1 objects
- color photograph with red marker, stamp mark in blue ink, and print1 objects
- folder with stamp mark in blue ink, containing miscellaneous press, correspondence, résumé, and biographical information1 objects
- ink on paper, three hole punch1 objects
- photocopy with ballpoint pen, blue marker, and stamp mark in purple ink, two-hole punch1 objects
- photocopy with graphite and marker on verso, three-hole punched1 objects
- photocopy with ink and correction fluid1 objects
- photocopy, three-hole punched1 objects
- photocopy, with ink, and stamp mark in blue ink on first page, five pages1 objects
- two-page photocopy, with duplicate copy of first page1 objects
- typewritten text on Ant Corps stationery1 objects
- typewritten text on photocopy with correction fluid, two pages1 objects