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- a: ink on glassine, two pages b: ink, stamp mark, airmail stamps in red ink, postmark and two postage stamps on envelope1 objects
- a: ink on lined paper, two pages b: ink, red marker, stamp mark, two postmarks and two postage stamps on an envelope1 objects
- a: offset printing on orange paper b: ink and stamp in black ink on airmail envelope with postmark and postage stamp1 objects
- black and blue ink and stamp mark in black ink on postcard with postmark and one postage stamp, two-sided1 objects
- black and blue ink, fingerprints in red and black ink, and stamp mark in black ink on postcard with postmark and one postage stamp, two-sided1 objects
- black ink and brown marker with stamp mark in black ink on postcard postmark and one postage stamp, two-sided1 objects
- blue ink and stamp mark in black ink on postcard with postmark and one postage stamp1 objects
- blue ink and stamp marks in black and green ink on postcard with postmark and one postage stamp, two-sided1 objects
- brown watercolor, yellow paint, collage element, and ink on postcard with postmark and one postage stamp1 objects
- ink and stamp mark in black ink on postcard with posmark and one postage stamp, two-sided1 objects
- ink and stamp mark in black ink on postcard with postmark and one postage stamp, two-sided1 objects
- ink and typewritten text on paper, two-hole punched1 objects
- ink, black, blue, green, pink, and red marker,1 objects
- offset printing on beige paper, two sheets; offset printing on Mylar; and typewritten text on air mail envelope1 objects
- offset printing on paper1 objects
- red pigment, newspaper clipping, red and white thread, and ink on paper, two-sided1 objects