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More Works by Melchert, Jim
Melchert, JimStill Life(1965-1966)
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Melchert, JimJIM MELCHERT.([No date given])
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design; Baxter, Iain; Beveridge, Eleanor; Ferguson, Gerald; Hamada, Hisako; Kokis, George; Orehover, Alyce; Hrusovsky, Paul; DeGaetano, Robert; Kosuth, Joseph; Leedy, Jim; Melchert, Jim; Rada, P.; Voulkos, Peter; Yates, Mary B.Technical Data: Pleistocene fluvial or marine clay from the West side of the Shubenacadie River at Elmsdale, Nova Scotia: … Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 1969c.(c. 1969)
Melchert, Jimuntitled photograph, mixed media work on paper (Elegant Miniatures from San Francisco and Kyoto)(1983)