Courtesan in yukata drying her face before applying make up
More Works by Toyokuni, Utagawa
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Toyokuni, UtagawaAtari Natsu Kyogen, Taikomochi Jirouemon, Seki Sanjuro (Summer hit of Kyogen Play, actor Seki Sanjuro II as male entertainer, Jirouemon)(ca. 1820's)
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Toyokuni, UtagawaYoshibei Nyobo Koumé, Segawa Roko (Actor Segawa Roko in the Role of Koume, Yoshibei's Wife)(1801-1807)
Toyokuni, UtagawaNuregami no Oshizu, Iwai Hanshiro (Actor Iwai Hanshiro V in female role of Nuregami no Oshizu)(1804)
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Toyokuni, UtagawaTwo courtesans and attendants promenade in the Yoshiwara(1801-1825)