Two actors, one drinking sake, the onnagata (male actor playing female roles) holding a roll of paper
More Works by Toyokuni, Utagawa
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Toyokuni, UtagawaYashiki no hana (cropped and unread, flowers of ? mansion)(1805-1810)
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Toyokuni, UtagawaUkie Shiba Sanryokuzan Zojoji no zu (Perspective Scene of Sanryokuzan, Zojoji Temple at Shiba)(late 1780's)
Toyokuni, UtagawaKabuki actor as a samurai, standing under lattice of wisteria blossoms(ca. first quarter of 1800's)
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Toyokuni, UtagawaUkie Chushingura Kyudanme no zu (Perspective Scene of Ninth Act of Chushingura)(1790's)