Untitled (Correspondence from Tom Marioni/MOCA to Thomas Garver, Director, Newport Harbor Art Museum).
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More Works by Marioni, Tom
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Marioni, TomUntitled (Correspondence from Tom Marioni/MOCA to David Simpson, Chairman, Art Dept., University of California, Berkeley). August 31, 1972.(August 31, 1972)
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Marioni, TomUntitled (Correspondence from Tom Marioni to Joseph Salvato and correspondence from Tom Marioni to W.T. Mayfield, Finance Director). December 4, 1969 / August 18, 1969.(1969)
Marioni, Tominvitation maquette (Bay Area Roach Clip Show)(October 21-22, 1972)
Marioni, TomLetter to Terry Fox and Howard Fried from Tom Marioni (The San Francisco Performance)(November 7, 1971)