1. "Les Petites Bon Bons is...a gay twirling corps..." (The Bon Bon File) Bookmark Artist: Les Petites Bonbons Classification: Artist's book Materials: green marker and stamp mark in purple ink on photocopy Dimensions: 11 x 8 1/2 in. Accession Number: 1995.46.326.3
2. "Les Petites Bon Bons is...a group of rock musicians..." (The Bon Bon File) Bookmark Artist: Les Petites Bonbons Classification: Artist's book Materials: brown and purple and marker, sticker, and stamp mark in purple ink on photocopy Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 11 in. (folded) Accession Number: 1995.46.326.29
3. (Parts of) The FLUXUS SAGA, Part Two Bookmark Artist: Friedman, Ken Classification: Artist's book Materials: Photocopied artist's book in envelope addressed to Alice Hutchins. Unbound, unpaginated. Dimensions: 8 1/4 x 6 in. Accession Number: 1994.5.59
4. (exhibition catalog) The Return of Abstract Expressionism Bookmark Artist: Marioni, Tom Classification: Artist's book Materials: offset printing on brown paper, staple-bound, 14 pages Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 22 in. (open) Accession Number: 1995.46.150.2
5. 1 (Zeichenheft) Bookmark Artist: Byars, James Lee Classification: Artist's book Materials: tracing paper and gold pencil on paper, with gold pencil on offset printed label on black paper cover, thread-bound Dimensions: 8 1/4 x 5 7/8 in. (closed) Accession Number: 2003.7.187.1
6. 1 step – 100000 steps Bookmark Artist: Brouwn, Stanley Classification: Artist's book Materials: Artist's book Dimensions: 10 5/8 x 8 1/4 in. Accession Number: 2014.53.276
7. 1/70. 1970? Self-published? Bookmark Artist: Zanzi, James Classification: Artist's book Materials: Artist's book. Wrappers. Staple bound. Assembling of artist pages. Unpaginated. Dimensions: 8 x 8 in. Accession Number: 1995.46.132
8. 10 Obras. 10 Works. 1971. Publisher: centro de arte y comunicacion, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Bookmark Artist: Weiner, Lawrence Classification: Artist's book Materials: Wrappers. Text in Spanish and English. Unpaginated. Dimensions: 6 1/4 x 4 1/4 in. Accession Number: 1995.46.74
9. 100 this-way-brouwn-problems for computer I.B.M. 360 model 95 Bookmark Artist: Brouwn, Stanley Classification: Artist's book Materials: Artist's book Dimensions: 9 1/16 x 9 1/16 in. Accession Number: 2014.53.274
10. 100,000 or the Big Sample of Byars or 1/2 an Autobiography or the First Paper of Philosophy Bookmark Artist: Byars, James Lee Classification: Artist's book Materials: photocopy on pink paper, softbound Dimensions: 10 1/2 x 8 1/4 in. Accession Number: 2008.21.14