1. A Rake's Progress: "Gold, Thou bright Son of Phaebus,..." Plate 6 of 8 Artist: Hogarth, William Classification: Print Materials: engraving Dimensions: 13 7/8 x 15 15/16 in. Accession Number: 1996.20.6
2. A Rake's Progress: "Happy the Man, Whose constant Thought,..." Plate 7 of 8 Artist: Hogarth, William Classification: Print Materials: engraving Dimensions: 13 13/16 x 15 7/8 in. Accession Number: 1996.20.7
3. A Rake's Progress: "Madness, Thou Chaos of ye Brain,..." Plate 8 of 8 Artist: Hogarth, William Classification: Print Materials: engraving Dimensions: 14 x 16 1/16 in. Accession Number: 1996.20.8
4. A Rake's Progress: "New to ye School of hard Mishap,..." Plate 5 of 8 Artist: Hogarth, William Classification: Print Materials: engraving Dimensions: 13 15/16 x 16 in. Accession Number: 1996.20.5
5. A Rake's Progress: "O Vanity of Age, Untoward,..." Plate 1 of 8 Artist: Hogarth, William Classification: Print Materials: engraving Dimensions: 14 x 16 in. Accession Number: 1996.20.1
6. A Rake's Progress: "O Vanity of Youthful Blood,..." Plate 3 of 8 Artist: Hogarth, William Classification: Print Materials: engraving Dimensions: 14 x 15 15/16 in. Accession Number: 1996.20.3
7. A Rake's Progress: "O Vanity of Youthful Blood,..." Plate 4 of 8 Artist: Hogarth, William Classification: Print Materials: engraving Dimensions: 14 x 16 in. Accession Number: 1996.20.4
8. A Rake's Progress: "Prosperity, (with Horlet's smiles,..." Plate 2 of 8 Artist: Hogarth, William Classification: Print Materials: engraving Dimensions: 14 x 16 in. Accession Number: 1996.20.2
9. Election Series, Plate 1: An Election Entertainment Artist: Hogarth, William Classification: Print Materials: engraving Dimensions: 17 x 21 7/8 in. Accession Number: 1993.40.1
10. Election Series, Plate 2: Canvassing for Votes Artist: Hogarth, William Classification: Print Materials: engraving Dimensions: 17 x 21 7/8 in. Accession Number: 1993.40.2