1. 228 Grant Avenue, from the Standard Specific Series Bookmark Artist: Muntadas, Antoni Classification: Photograph Materials: photograph Dimensions: 51 1/4 x 27 5/8 in. Accession Number: 1990.3.4
2. A Spanish mounted knight in the ring breaking short spears without the help of assistants, Plate #13 from LA TAUROMAQUIA Bookmark Artist: Goya, Francisco Classification: Print Materials: Etching Dimensions: frame: 19 x 22 3/4 in. Accession Number: EL.9.1993.71
3. Andarse por las Ramas (To go amongst the branches), from Los Proverbios (The Proverbs) Bookmark Artist: Goya, Francisco Classification: Print Materials: Etching, aquatint and drypoint Accession Number: EL.2.2000.17
4. Another way of hunting on foot, Plate #2 from LA TAUROMAQUIA Bookmark Artist: Goya, Francisco Classification: Print Materials: Etching Dimensions: Frame: 19 x 22 3/4 in. Accession Number: EL.9.1993.66
5. Aquellos polvos (Those Specks of Dust), from Los Caprichos (The Caprices) Bookmark Artist: Goya, Francisco Classification: Print Materials: Etching and aquatint Accession Number: EL.2.2000.15
6. Blind Man Lifted on the Horns of a Bull (Aveugle enleve sur les cornes d'un tareau) Bookmark Artist: Goya, Francisco Classification: Print Materials: etching Dimensions: Sheet: 8 1/8 x 12 in. Accession Number: 1985.16
7. Charles V spearing a bull in the ring at Valladolid, Plate #10 from LA TAUROMAQUIA Bookmark Artist: Goya, Francisco Classification: Print Materials: Etching Dimensions: frame: 19 x 22 3/4 in. Accession Number: EL.9.1993.68
8. Claudio Coella #64, from the Standard Specific Series Bookmark Artist: Muntadas, Antoni Classification: Photograph Materials: photograph Dimensions: 44 x 86 in. Accession Number: 1990.3.3
9. Composition Bookmark Artist: Miró, Joan Classification: Painting Materials: oil on composition board Dimensions: 47 3/4 x 35 3/4 in. Accession Number: 1966.20
10. Deux Femmes Nues Bookmark Artist: Picasso, Pablo Classification: Print Materials: Lithograph, ed. 23/50 Accession Number: EL.2.2000.33