1. Aspects of the Liberal Dilemma, 1978 Artist: Piper, Adrian Classification: Installation Materials: Black and white photograph framed under plexiglass, audiotape, and lighting Dimensions: photograph: 18 x 18 in. Accession Number: 1993.35.a-c
2. Bomboozle Artist: Porges, Maria Classification: Installation Materials: Exterior: knitted and felted wool Interior: cotton and polyester batting Dimensions: 48 x 48 (installed) in. Accession Number: 2004.32.1-99
3. Crèche Artist: Smith, Kiki Classification: Installation Materials: Phosphorous bronze and white bronze Accession Number: 2007.28
4. Experiment to Identify Change Artist: Abeles, Kim Classification: Installation Materials: Camera, plaster mold of hands, X-ray transparencies, wood, metal, stucco, and canvas Dimensions: 73 x 63 x 52 in. Accession Number: 2004.13.1-99
5. Home Movies (1248-1) Artist: Campbell, Jim Classification: Installation Materials: Custom electronics, metal, wire, white LED lights, and found 8mm, super 8mm and 16mm home movies Dimensions: Overall, as installed: 192 x 298 x 8 in. Accession Number: 2007.20
6. Lifetime Artist: Magnus, Susan Classification: Installation Materials: National Geographic magazines, steel Dimensions: 7 x 10 x depth increases with yearly installments in. Accession Number: 2002.6.1.1-529
7. The Singing Posters: Allen Ginsberg's Howl by Allen Ruppersberg (Part I) Artist: Ruppersberg, Allen Classification: Installation Materials: 133 posters with phonetically reproduced text of Howl by Allen Ginsberg, 75 additional posters, and 6 spiral bound photocopied books. Dimensions: 22 x 14 posters in. Accession Number: 2005.32
8. Untitled, 2006 Artist: Castrillo Diaz, Rosana Classification: Installation Materials: matte finish transparent tape Accession Number: 2006.3